Imaging Technologies Used In the Top Radiology Center Queens

Imaging Technologies Used In the Top Radiology Center Queens

When you face a potential health problem, knowing the cause of the problem becomes your priority and natural response. Diagnostic imaging tools are becoming more and more popular in the medical field and among medical professionals, these tools simply allow them to detect underlying health issues in patients. These accurate diagnostic results enable doctors to start their treatments as early as possible, it also reduces patients’ suffering and pain. These diagnostic imaging technologies are now available in the top radiology center in Queens. Know all about their imaging technologies in this post.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging 

It is also a kind of diagnostic imaging also known as MRI; it uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to produce thorough images of the internal body. It is also used to diagnose brain, and spinal cord disorders, joints, musculoskeletal conditions, and even cancer.  An MRI scan can take anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour in a radiology center Queens. During that, patients will be provided with comfort, a wide-open MRI machine is ideal to limit discomfort and offer optimal scans.  



The most popular and widely utilized diagnostic imaging technology is the use of X-rays. For identifying bone fractures, joint dislocations, and lung diseases, electromagnetic radiation is used to study the structures of the bones. Similar to this, improvements in X-ray technology have helped diagnose other conditions or illnesses, such as pneumonia and some malignancies. An X-ray takes much less time than an MRI; the data are reviewed by a radiologist at EMU Radiology Center Queens and delivered to your primary care physician in just a few minutes.


Computed Tomography 

Computed tomography scans are called CT scans in short also great equipment for diagnostic imaging. The radiology center Queens uses this tool to recognize minor injuries and serious medical conditions. By doing CT scans, patients effectively receive clear, targeted images and these scans only take about 10 to 30 minutes. This kind of imaging is only used to examine cancer and brain disorders. However, they are relevant in other areas as well such as the liver, chest, and spleen to find abnormalities in the body.



Ultrasounds are used in the radiology center Queens to diagnose disorders affecting the belly and pelvis in addition to the prenatal tests offered to pregnant mothers. Ultrasounds, which produce images of the inside of a person using high-frequency sound waves, identify health issues without the use of radiation. It is easy to use and takes little time to finish, frequently under 30 minutes. An ultrasound aids in the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of medical disorders by providing patients and their doctors with real-time information and a glimpse of the inside. The diagnosis of pregnancy, gallbladder illness, and blood clots is frequently made with this technique.


Bone Density Scans 

To test a patient’s bone strength bone density scans are needed, which are also known as DEXA scans. Just like x-rays, this imaging technology uses two kinds of x-rays at the same time to create accurate images of the bones with less radiation. It is also good for patients whose bone quality density is very poor.  The accurate results will tell if a patient has osteoporosis or other bone-related problems. 


EMU Radiology Center Queens  8340 Woodhaven Blvd Ste 7, Queens, NY 11385, United States   +19292996126
